Our product services are great for individuals who may be locksmiths but not yet have the tools to finish the job or just individuals who don't want to spend money on a locksmith if the job can be done by ordering the right products.
What We Offer
A list of our services include:
Cut keys, which can also be cut on original blanks provided the option is available
Custom master keying
General keying
BEST core combination (using authentic BEST equipment)
BEST cut keys (using authentic BEST equipment) with generic or original blanks
Universal code cut keys for specialty locks (i.e., mailboxes, fire alarm control panels/pull stations, BEST construction cores, etc.)
DETEX alarm keys (individual or sets)
Master key setup charts
NOTE: If you do not see an option available to your specific needs, please utilize the live chat feature in the bottom right so we may assist in your request. Just because it's not listed does not mean we can't do it!
Occasionally, Everything Locks will host a promotional event based on current events (i.e., Black Friday) where our product services will be cheaper than usual. To keep updated on our promotional events, create an account through our website and sign up for marketing emails to stay in the loop!